Tag Archives: parenting

Celebrating Life’s Major Milestones

Graduation from college is a significant accomplishment and marks another life transition. Each of our three children worked hard to have jobs lined up before graduation and found a few weeks following graduation to rest and celebrate this milestone.  It … Continue reading

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Living Stones – The Next Generation

In 1999 my mother went to Israel and asked me if she could bring anything back.  I asked her to bring me back some stones from the ground because I had a plan for a specific occasion.  Often in Scripture rocks are used as a symbol to mark and proclaim great things God has done in the lives of His people. Continue reading

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Parents: The Goal of Our Instruction is Love

When we have done our best to give instruction in the lives of our kids or in our workplace and it is time to let them go and make independent choices, I love the simple assurance of Paul to his disciple Timothy as he goes out into a world of false teaching and confusion. Paul’s instruction to Timothy simply says that the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. Continue reading

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Using Unmet Desires to Teach Your Kids Patience, Creativity, Work, and the Value of a Dollar

There is nothing better than an unmet desire to teach your kids the value of working for a dollar and patience. Inspired by YouTube my son downloaded a trial version of video editing software, Aftereffects. Continue reading

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Small Adventures To Create Lasting Family Memories

The sugar glider was a hit with the mall shoppers until he glided to the floor and scampered across the mall causing brief terror for those who thought they were watching a rat run at them. Continue reading

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The 20 Rules Of This House

I enjoy reading other business and family values, rules, or boundaries that are used to lead and provide boundaries for business or family. We have our family Core Values posted on the refrigerator for reference when making choices or using for instruction. These are great tools to use and leaves no question as to how we are supposed to operate. Continue reading

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The Power of A Testimony

The power of telling of your personal encounter with God and His blessing on your life is the most natural, genuine, and impactful way to share your faith with others. Continue reading

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When Do You Push Your Kids in Sports, Music, Activities and How Do You Build In The Right Stuff?

What do you do when your child decides to quit a sport, music or activite that they have invested so many hours and years developing. How do you use these experiences to build in the right stuff into you kids. Every child is a unique individual that requires an individual plan to develop larger character traits that come from parents that earn the privilege to speak in the right stuff by spending meaningful time with our children. Continue reading

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A Fun Day of Learning and Adventure with Your Kids

Suggestions for fun activities to build memories with your kids Continue reading

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Teaching About the Birds and the Bees

Practical tips for Christian parents in teaching their children about sex. Start early, build a biblical foundation, create a comfortable atmosphere to initiate conversation, recognize your body as a temple of the living God are simple strategies to teach and develop a sexual worldview with your kids. Continue reading

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