Looking for something fun to do on a boring day? For those who have science minded kids an $8 investment in dry ice can provide a full day of fun and learning. Along the way our kids have found the YouTube channel of Steve Spangler. Steve has made a great business of conducting simple science experiments that are educational and fun to watch. YouTube has been an inspiration for lots of fun do-it-yourself toys and experiments. My kids have learned how to make carbonated ice, make square bubbles, remove egg shells, and build a potato cannon that I have also found quite impressive and, pardon the pun, but a blast to shoot. Last summer my middle son asked if I could pick up some dry ice. What followed was a day full of experiments and fun for $8.
Check out the following video for a few of the samples by Steve Spangler http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aFLYNiHitI Dry ice is -110 degrees F and can be dangerous so it’s a good excuse to spend the day supevising the experiments, having fun, and building memories with your kids.