Imagine with me for a moment that you were on a trek deep in the mist-veiled Llanganates mountain range between the Andes and the Amazon. You have heard the stories of this lost treasure of Inca gold and on your trek you have found this fabulous treasure of Inca gold and gems long-ago hidden from Spanish conquistadors. You are overwhelmed with excitement about the find, the extreme riches that this will provide, and the blessings and gifts you can share with your family, friends and community. You are making your way back home and recognize the great responsibility that comes with this treasure and realize the significant positive impact this can make on your world. You are pregnant with anticipation and excitement to share this gift of unimaginable riches.
Have we forgotten? Do we not remember that we are children of the almighty God. Paul reminds us in his letter to the Romans 8:16-17 “The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.” As believers in Christ, we are fellow heirs with Christ and have a treasure far more valuable than Inca gold, a treasure of eternal life in the presence of our creator, redeemer and king. We have a great responsibility that comes with bearing this treasure. We realize the significant positive impact this treasure can have on our family, friends and community. We bear the greatest gift one could offer and all we have to do is share this gift with others.
Have you ever bought the perfect gift for someone? A thoughtful gift that expressed your personality, filled a need, and would greatly please the person receiving the gift. Can you recall the excitement and anticipation of watching them receive the gift? One Christmas, I got my parents a gift certificate for a balloon ride. They never would have guessed this gift and I could not wait for them to open it. I attached a small basket to a balloon, put the gift certificate in the basket and wrapped it up in a box. I knew it would be a life memory that they would have forever and enjoy the experience. I think I received more enjoyment giving the gift than they did experiencing the gift and remember giving this gift decades later.
Brothers and sisters in Christ we bear this great treasure of inexpressible joy and eternal life to give. Why does it seem so difficult to share this gift? Is it simply a mindset or perspective where we do not recognize that the message of God’s love is such a great treasure and gift to share? Do we think of it as a chore to share that may end up in rejection or worse, offensive? I write this not because it comes easy to me, but that I must remind myself that I bear the greatest treasure ever given to man and it is my privilege to share this treasure with others. The message is simple and the gift is truly amazing beyond all that we can think or imagine. God loves us. He chose the Jewish people and gave Moses a system that illustrates the high cost of sin in that blood needed to be shed through sacrifice to atone for our sins. He then sent Jesus, His son, to shed His blood and be the ultimate sacrifice for sins. That if we believe Jesus is God’s son and he was sacrificed for our sake, and raised from the dead then we are saved from our sins and judgement deserved from our choices. This gift was given not only to the Jews, but to all men of all nations and is not something that we can earn from doing right, but a gift if we simply believe. It is not our burden to bear, but our treasure to share. Remember that you have the greatest treasure ever given to mankind. Maintain this perspective, be overwhelmed with excitement and anticipation again with the opportunity to give this gift to others.
The following is message given by Billy Graham ministries.
God loves you and has a plan for you!
The Bible says, “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, [Jesus Christ], that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” — a complete life full of purpose (John 10:10).
Man is sinful and separated from God.
We have all done, thought or said bad things, which the Bible calls “sin.” The Bible says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).
The result of sin is death, spiritual separation from God (Romans 6:23).
The good news?
God sent His Son to die for your sins!
Jesus died in our place so we could live with Him in eternity.
“God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
But it didn’t end with His death on the cross. He rose again and still lives!
Would you like to receive God’s forgiveness?
We can’t earn salvation; we are saved by God’s grace when we have faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. All you have to do is believe you are a sinner, that Christ died for your sins, and ask His forgiveness. Then turn from your sins—that’s called repentance. Jesus Christ knows you and loves you. What matters to Him is the attitude of your heart, your honesty. We suggest praying the following prayer to accept Christ as your Savior:
“Dear Lord Jesus,
I know I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness.
I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead.
I trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior.
Guide my life and help me to do your will.
In your name, amen.”