We were out today doing some Christmas shopping and made a $14 impulse purchase of a coyote call. Now picture this: It’s December in Houston, Saturday night and a cold front has just blown through, the sky is clear, the moon is out and we have taken the 4-wheelers through the woods to the “Treasure Tree” that sits along a creek. My 3 kids and I have climbed up into this great oak tree and are perched on the branches. Ben has the coyote caller, but all are yipping and doing their best howling imitation at the coyotes.
I am sure the coyotes heard us and probably lurked in the bushes wondering what in the world was going on with these crazy humans. I pictured what this scene must have looked like and chuckled to myself. Can you imagine what the neighbors would think if they could see the Applegate family now? It was a spur of the moment adventure that cost $14, but will provide for a great memory.