Greetings! In writing my first blog I will introduce myself and share what I hope to accomplish with writing this blog.
I am not a seminary graduate, theologian or scholar. I am simply a husband and dad that seeks to follow the truth of Jesus Christ and raise my family according to these truths. I live in Houston Texas, go to work every day, and do my best to manage the challenges that a demanding career and busy family life bring in a large city. I have three children Drew (13), Ben (11), and Summer(9). I recognize the competition for our energy and our affections that our career and outside interests have with effectively leading our family. I share many of the same struggles with maintaining balance in the physical, spiritual and vocational areas of my life. As husband to my wife and father to my children, I recognize the great responsibility I have to God, my family and community to lead and raise my family.
In writing this blog I hope to encourage moms and dads in the day to day efforts in leading their families. I will share some of the tools and experiences that I have used in leading my family and hope to inspire and encourage moms and dads, particularly husbands and fathers to rise up and be the leaders that God has called you to be. I look forward to your comments as we work through our struggles and challenges and as we celebrate the high points and great memories of leading our families in a world that fiercly competes for our hearts and minds and for the hearts and minds of our children.