Book Review: The Wisdom of a Bullfrog by William H. McRaven

I thoroughly enjoyed this quick read on leadership. None of the concepts are new, but the stories and color from the perspective of a career Navy Seal was unique and inspiring. The following are some of my notes and take-aways that may encourage you.

  • Honor – The most tragic thing in this world is a man of genius that is not a man of honor.
  • Honor is who you are. Death before dishonor.
  • Doing the right things for the right reasons.
  • If you dishonor your company, family or faith then your legacy of leadership will be forever tainted.
  • We owe honor to those that have followed and supported us.
  • Have a personal code of honor. Uncompromising integrity is our foundation we stand on and the anchor that secures our position.
  • Doing what is right matters. It develops culture.
  • Having a set of moral principles and being a person of integrity are the most important characteristics of leadership.


  • How we earn trust.  We show up early, work hard, stay late, have a plan, deliver on promises, share hardships with our team, show that you care and admit your mistakes.  Work hard.
  • Trust = Character + Confidence

When in command, command.

  • Command comes with responsibility.
  • You must be confident, decisive, smile, be passionate, engaging, be in charge, instill a sense of pride. You are their leader.
  • Never look beaten.
  • Be humble
  • Do the best you can even in little jobs.
  • Measure strength of employees by how well they do the little jobs.  See Luke 16:10  He who is faithful in a little thing is also faithful in much. He who is unrighteous in a little thing is also unrighteous in much.

“The only easy day was yesterday”

  • Every day requires your full effort. Git each day your best.
  • The day you think you are entitled to special treatment or the day you think the all the hard days are behind you is the day you are not the right leader for the job.
  • Leadership requires energy, enthusiasm and stamina.  People feed off of your energy.
  • Not every day requires exhaustion – just don’t give up.
  • You are not entitled.

Run to the sound of the guns.

  • Leadership – When things go bad. You must be out front.  Remember the BP CEO following the disaster with the Horizon saying, “I’d like my life back.”
  • Embrace the challenge – never retreat.
  • When the problem comes. Be aggressive, move to a place where you can assess and lead, communicate along the way.

Initiative = Doing the right thing without being told.

  • Doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done.
  • The leader must create a culture that allows rank and file to “act of their own accord” or they will get stuck in indecisiveness.
  • Foster a culture of action.
  • Accept people will screw up.
  • Praise those that attempt to solve problems.

“Who Dares Wins.”  Better to air on the side of daring than the side of caution.

  • Opportunities exist because others are not willing to take the risk.
  • Who plans and prepares wins. – Managed risk.
  • Seek the opportunity to take risk.
  • Mitigate risk with planning.
  • Learn from your mistakes and be prepared to take the next big risk.

If you like these notes. Buy the book.

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