In the past couple months I experienced an awesome feeling that swelled my heart with joy and caught me completely off guard. These experiences blessed me immensely with a picture of God’s feelings toward those who know Him and have trusted in Him. My friend hosts a celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles and it is no small celebration. A few hundred guests come to camp under the Texas stars during the God-ordained time of the full moon each fall to celebrate God’s redemption plan for man with worship and great fellowship. It happens that many people who I have invested significant time and shared my favorite life experiences and memories come from around the country with their families for this weekend. Most had arrived on Friday and I drove in from Houston to join them Saturday morning not really knowing who was coming. As I came to the front porch, there gathered was a 15-20 men and women that I had come to share deep friendship at different times and different eras of my life. All gathered together in this one place at this one time. My heart immediately filled with great joy and overflowed with love that I have for these friends. These are “All My People”, I thought, the people that I have shared many fun adventures and shared difficulties that we all experience in our life journey. Some of these friendships had been knit together over the years and some have yet to know each other, but “All My People” whom I love were there. As I reflected on that day I know that is how God must feel when we come together to worship Him and will greet us as we join Him in eternity. God’s heart will be filled with joy and overflowing with love that all “My People” are here with me.
My second experience was this November weekend in 2018 when my college roommate invited me to come to our 30th year reunion at Baylor Homecoming. I am still struggling to get my mind around a 30 year college reunion. I can’t be this old? Julie and I attended a couple events where we walked in to a room, not knowing who would attend and if we would know anyone. Of the 50 or so that were present were “All My People”. The people who forged my best memories at Baylor and though more years have passed since our graduation than the years we had lived when we were last together, it was as if not a day had passed when we were reunited.
I am greatly blessed with many life-long friends. What a great picture and experience He has given me to share with you. Oh how our hearts will be filled with joy and overflowing with the love He has given us when we reunite again with God and “All My People”.