I am a water person, but sadly we don’t live on the water. So, we make the most of what we have. I have been writing about the adventures we find in the heart of the city of Houston in a series entitled Camp Applegate. These are easy and fun things to do as a family by exploring and enjoying the nature that surrounds our neighborhood.
My daughter and I have been spotting the dewberries for several weeks in the fields behind our home, hoping that we would have a good crop for her May birthday. We invited our family over for dinner and berry picking. We drove the 4 wheelers and walked to a field on the other side of the property where we found lots of ripe dewberries. Dewberries are related to blackberries. The berries themselves are difficult to harvest. They grow on thorny vines, which make for dense nests to protect the berries. Unfortunately for berry lovers, they taste good. Very good.
We ended up with a large bowl full of ripe berries for cobbler. Tonight the kids worked together to make the cobbler which we enjoyed for dessert with some Bluebell Ice Cream. Nothing can beat it. What a great way to enjoy being together and building lifetime memories. I hope you will be encouraged to find fun things to do with your family, create memories and maybe even learn to enjoy Texas dewberries.