What are the things that pull at your heart strings and move you emotionally to tears? Pay attention for these emotions remind us of personal experiences that have deeply impacted our life and/or may reveal God given passions that bring life’s greatest fulfillment or satisfaction. Each Sunday as I watch men, women, children and families respond to God’s Holy Spirit I am moved with tears of joy knowing that a life has been changed. Without knowing the people, their circumstances, or story I know I have witnessed God move in a life to reveal His great love, mercy, and calling on their life to realize the miraculous life change coming as a result of responding to Him.
I am also moved to see someone testify by public baptism to the life change they personally experienced through the blood sacrifice of Jesus. To see a young man who turns from the selfish path of destruction to accept the Father’s forgiveness and grace is a powerful event. I celebrate to see a man lead his family to join the church and make a statement to his family and the community that he is choosing to lead his family by the truths of Jesus. To see a young child respond to the calling of the Holy Spirit or know the joy that a parent shares in seeing their child choose to testify to their saving grace by their public baptism. Celebrate with me the changed lives and kids testimony through public baptism at our church beach retreat. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEbyVubKZk4
What makes you cry?
- Recognize the value of this emotion and how it identifies the passions in your life.
- Consider responding and explore the opportunity to develop this passion in your life.
- Pray for God to reveal how you can follow this passion to serve Him and help others.
- Surrender and follow God.
Mathew 9:9 As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.