The Goal of our Instruction is Love…

The Goal of our Instruction is LOVE...I Tim:1:5

February is a great month to reflect on LOVE.  While addressing false teaching in the church the apostle Paul simplifies and emphasizes the core message to Timothy.  I Timothy 1:5 “The goal of our instruction is LOVE from a pure heart, and a good conscience and a sincere faith.”  With all the false teachings in our lives we often need to be reminded and directed that the goal of our instruction is Love.  Christ tells us that the greatest command is to Love God and second to love our neighbors as ourselves.  We are reminded in I John 4 that God is Love.  As leaders in our families and in our businesses it is so important that we lead with Love.  In I Peter 4:8 we are encouraged to Love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins.  So as you begin this new day be re-mined that “the goal of our instruction is Love”.  Today lead your family by demonstrating love for your spouse or children in a special way.  I like the hymn that speaks the truth “they will know we are Christians by our love”.  This is an attractive quality of love that draws others to Christ.  Today in your businesses and workplaces be different by expressing a genuine interest in others and demonstrate brotherly love to your co-workers.  Our families and workplace desperately need leaders to step up, be different, and share the love of Christ with others.   

I Timothy 1:5 “The goal of our instruction is LOVE from a pure heart, and a good conscience and a sincere faith.”

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